How To Get the Most Out of Your Concrete

Concrete is the preferred building material for various reasons when it comes to construction. It is one of the densest, most robust, functional, and cost-effective building materials available for various construction projects.

The innate strength of concrete is one of the reasons it is so widely used. Unlike other building materials, concrete gets stronger over time. This is due to the cement’s ability to form bonds with moisture in the air, strengthening its bonds even further.

Concrete is a strong substance that can outlive other building materials by several decades. In addition, concrete’s adaptability means that it may be tailored to a wide range of applications simply by changing the proportions of water, cement, or aggregates.

Using Concrete for your Driveway is a Fantastic Idea

When it comes to constructing or repairing your driveway, choosing the appropriate material is critical. There are a few options to pick from, and each has its own set of advantages and disadvantages in terms of price, durability, and other factors.

When it comes to building material options, concrete is by far the most durable and versatile of them all. Concrete is a smooth, strong, and safe foundation that can withstand any environment and requires little to no upkeep. On average, concrete has a lifespan of 25 to 50 years.

Concrete prices in Australia vary owing to many reasons. Plain concrete costs $60-$85 per square meter, coloured concrete $75-$90, and a decorative exposed aggregate or stencilled finish $100-$150. On the other hand, a concrete path or driveway might cost between $50 and $150 per square meter. This price is an estimate for typical concrete jobs.

Tips On How To Care For And Maintain Your Driveway

Concrete is one of the most long-lasting and damage-resistant building materials available. However, no driveway paving material, even concrete, can be considered genuinely maintenance-free in the long run.

It is critical to properly clean and maintain your concrete surfaces to keep them looking nice for a long time. It can also help you save money and prevent accidents caused by cracked or damaged concrete, making it a hazard to walk on or potentially cause damage to your vehicle.

Maintaining your driveway regularly will allow it to last for a longer period. To maintain your driveway, all you need to do is to set aside a few hours and follow a few simple guidelines and every so often, invest in resurfacing concreted areas to extend the life of your slab or driveway.

Clean it Regularly

It is possible to prolong the life of your concrete by cleaning it regularly. Over time, dirt, algae, and other debris can accumulate on the surface and cause it to degrade. Using a brush or a high pressure hose for routine cleaning is generally sufficient. However, dirt and debris are more likely to accumulate at particular times of the year.

Oil, gas, and grease can penetrate concrete deeply and can permanently discolour it. So it is best to quickly mop up oil and other hazardous substances that have spilled on the surface. It is possible to remove most stains from stained concrete with pressure washing and cleaning chemicals.

Apply Sealant

It is recommended that a concrete driveway be resealed every two years. Water will not be able to seep into the concrete if it is properly sealed. In addition, cleaning your concrete surfaces can be made easier and faster by resealing them regularly.

Don’t Use Harmful Chemicals

Compared to other building materials, concrete is a strong material that can handle chemical exposure. However, there are some chemicals that you should not apply during cleaning and deicing.

Ammonium nitrates and ammonium sulfates are particularly harmful because they will chemically degrade the concrete. In addition, these compounds have the potential to harm the environment and endanger those who come into contact with them, so it is best to leave these chemicals out of the picture.

Remove Stains Immediately

Stains should be removed immediately to avoid irreversible damage. In addition, pressure washing and specific cleaning solutions will remove most stains from concrete if it becomes discolored.

If you follow the above-mentioned methods, you can be assured that your concrete driveway will last longer and will require less repairs in the future.

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About Us

With over 30 years experience in the concreting industry, owner-operator Gary provides quality residential and small scale commercial concreting services in Frankston, the Peninsula and Melbourne’s South East. We pride ourselves in providing well built concrete structures with good old fashion caring customer service all at a competitive price. Call today for a free onsite measure and quote.

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